Tuesday, July 28, 2015

GPCSL Announces a New House for our 'Home Team'

We would like to announce the formation of your new “Home Team”… the Greater Philadelphia Center for Spiritual Living C.A.R.E. Group that is excited to help manifest our new home! Our guiding purpose is: “Motivated Members [and Minister!] on a Mission to Make Magical Moving Mojo!” The group consists of Frank Henninger, John Szal, Teresa Vesey, Karen Izzi, Rev. Mike Gerdes, Dr. Maxine Kaye and Diane Seader as team “energizer” / facilitator. Additionally, as our rock-bed of supportive guidance, we have Linda O’Neill and Karen Davis as our board support team members.

We held our first meeting Monday, July 27th for the purpose of creating shared expectations and starting  the course to launch a common vision. To that end, our group’s goal is to utilize the same model that led to our successful manifesting of our ideal Spiritual Leader. So look for visioning meetings, conference calls and lots of exciting and inclusive opportunities to help us give finer definition and “lift” to our collective vision of our “new home.”

For now…stay tuned! We are in the flow of receptivitydo not question our confidence in that! We welcome the membership to be our C.A.R.E. Group “consultants.” Should anyone come upon a property that they feel is worthy of investigating, let us know. Several of you have sent us leads and we really appreciate it.  We have established Karen Izzi as our “site register source.” She would be happy to collect and record all potential site leads you may be bursting to advise us about. Karen may be emailed at karenizziphd@gmail.com

We are all so grateful to serve the membership with enthusiasm, creativity and acumen to this most exciting opportunity we have before us.


Diane Seader, Home Team Leader

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