Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A New House for Our Home Update

Your  Home Team  C.A.R.E. Group, is excited to share our progress in discovering our new home.  We see the process rolling out in these phases that layer into one another:

  • We are starting the course to launch a common vision. To that end, our group's goal is to utilize the same model that led to our successful manifesting of our ideal Spiritual Leader.
  • Your C.A.R.E. group started a vision board to reference and help radiate “ideals” in what our new home will “look” like and will be expanded to add images from our CSL community. 
  • Community Visioning meetings are being scheduled to engage the entire membership.
  • A “Visioning Collection Basket” will be circulated every Sunday to collect any images you find that help illuminate and better define our “ideal home.”
  • Conference calls and lots of exciting and inclusive opportunities will be layered in to help us give finer definition and "lift" to our collective vision of our "new home."

Phase 2 - GEOGRAPHY…Putting YOU On The Map!
  • We have a large map so our Sunday participants can let us know where they are traveling from to get to Sunday service with us. We want to help draw an ideal “circle” around the geographic area that creates ease and opportunity for all to attend.

  • Though the Home Team C.A.R.E. group is already formed and not in need of additional “members,” we welcome the membership to be our C.A.R.E. Group  "consultants."
  • Should anyone come upon a property that they feel is “worthy of investigating,” let us know! Several of you have sent us some really “vision expanding leads” and we really appreciate it. KEEP ‘EM COMING!
  • We have established Karen Izzi as our "site register source." She would be happy to collect and record all potential site leads you may be bursting to advise us about. Karen may be emailed at hometeam@cslphilly.com

  • As leads come in, we will determine which ones seem to reflect the resounding “image” our community has visioned and the committee will establish the process for property exploration.

  • Once a collective reference is made of an “ideal lead” the committee will frame out the financial foundation to officially select a property.

Phase 6 - CELEBRATE!
  • The doors will open wide for us to collectively settle in and celebrate our new home!

  • Attend Community Visioning Meetings led by Dr. Maxine which will be scheduled up through October.
  • Search any magazines, clipart, etc. for images you wish to add to the Community Visioning Board. Drop them into our “Visioning Basket” any and all Sundays so they may be added to the Community Vision Board.
  • Make sure you are added to our “Membership Map” – available at Sunday services.
  • Start thinking of creative ways we will celebrate our manifestation of our new home! What will a fitting celebration feel like to you?! … Maintain that vision!

We will keep you informed of other key ways you can be involved as we continue to be Spirit-led and community-driven in the finding of our new House for our Home!

Diane Seader, The Home Team Energizer & Leader

Home Team:  Frank Henninger, John Szal, Teresa Vesey, Karen Izzi, Rev. Mike Gerdes, Dr. Maxine Kaye, Karen Davis, Linda ONeill